Don’t be fooled by other outdoor cabinetry. Unlike stainless steel cabinetry or even worse, wood outdoor cabinets, Werever’s unique HDPE outdoor cabinets will last for years and years without even showing its age. You may choose to wash your cabinetry, but you are not required to apply protectant, seal it, or do anything special to stop your HDPE outdoor cabinetry from aging.
On the guide Stainless Steel Care by the North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers, the very first sentence explains: “Contrary to popular belief, Stainless Steels ARE susceptible to rusting.” Do you really want that kind of a headache in your outdoor kitchen?
Stainless Isn’t Stain-PROOF

Stainless steel outdoor cabinets may look durable when they are new, but they will show their age. Stainless steel relies on regular application of protective lubricating coating to the metal. That’s why there are so many chemicals designed for the care and maintenance of stainless steel. When you overlook the regular application of these protectants, the metal will become damaged. Why not avoiding this headache and waste of time with HDPE cabinets?
Pitting in Stainless Steel

Here is a close-up view of stainless steel that has pitted. These tiny holes called “pits” can drill through a substantial thickness of stainless steel in a very short time. Once pitted, nothing can be done to remove the pits. The metal is permanently compromised.