These images are actual recent photographs provided by customers or our industry partners. They are not photoshopped, manipulated, or worse, rendered “fake” images like competitors use. Werever’s ability to custom-fit outdoor cabinetry is unmatched in the industry. We create elegant and highly functional outdoor spaces, often in areas never originally intended to hold an outdoor kitchen.
Outdoor Kitchen Portfolio
Kitchen Crashers TV Shows
Yard Crashers TV Shows
Learn About Werever's Design Process...
Custom Outdoor Cabinets
Made in the U.S.A.
Werever specializes in custom outdoor cabinets. We build the strongest and most precise-fitting outdoor cabinets in the industry. Werever outdoor cabinets has been in business since 2001 with the best warranty in the industry. Werever Outdoor Cabinets are proudly MADE IN THE USA.
You’ll find our weatherproof cabinets in backyards across the country, in ocean-front high-rises, in resorts, even in parks and zoos! Wherever beautiful cabinets are needed that can resist the worst environmental conditions, a Werever Cabinet is a perfect fit!